Monday, October 10, 2011

The Jade Runner, Part 19

A red light blinked on the top edge of the helm controls. It caught Kit’s attention just long enough for her to wonder what it was trying to tell her had gone wrong. Then the Griffinscape bucked like an untamed stallion. Alarms rang out in the small room and all over the ship. More lights on the helm console flashed red as Kit’s fingers flew over the controls. Kit fought for control guided by instinct and intuition.
Quinn staggered into the room from behind Kit, grabbing at any support his hands could find to keep him upright. “What’s going on?” he yelled, over the blaring alarms.
Kit focused on the controls and keeping the Griffinscape from falling out of the sky like a meteor on a collision course with the ocean. Rex glanced over his shoulder. His jaw locked in an expression that held no confidence in Kit’s ability to pilot the ship under the circumstances. Sitting at the navigation console, his ability to save his ship from an imminent crash was limited at best.
Rex said, “The lower cargo doors opened.”
“How?” Quinn asked.
“It doesn’t matter,” Rex said. “Someone has to get down there and close them.”
“I’ll go.” Quinn twisted his body to head back out of the helm and navigation center. He half ran, half fell toward the emergency stairs that would take him to the lower decks. It wasn’t a good time to take the elevator.
Three minutes later, the ship’s intercom squawked to life and Quinn’s voice tunneled its way up to Kit from the the engineering deck. “I’m closing the cargo doors now,” he said.
The Griffinscape bucked one last time before surrendering smooth control back into Kit’s fingers. She glanced at Rex, wondering what role he played in opening the doors. The alarms and flashing red lights faded into silence. Kit pressed intercom button and said, “Any idea what happened?”
Kit felt a tension in the silence on the other end before Quinn responded. “I’ve got a pretty good idea this wasn’t an accident.”
Her eyes remained fixed on Rex. “I never thought it was.”
Quinn said, “Given the circumstances, we might not want to stick around.”
“I take it all our cargo is gone?” Kit asked.
“All of it,” Quinn said.
Kit shook her head at Rex. “Well I guess that concludes our business on Rasa.”
Rex’s eyes opened a bit wider than normal. “You can’t run away from these people,” he said. “They’ll find you and when they do they’ll kill you. Your only chance is to land and explain the situation to them.”
“With you doing the explaining?” Kit asked.
“Of course,” Rex said.
Kit laughed. “I’d be smarter to shoot myself.”
Rex chuckled. “If I’d known your aim was that bad, I’d have fought harder back in that alley on Centora.”
“We’re leaving,” Kit said.
She altered course and began an ascent. In the distance the landing dock was already visible through the forward viewports. Beyond it, a castle rose up from the surrounding greenery. The people were impossible to see, but the evidence of their existence and hard work was plain enough; Plowed fields and sprouting crops, a village worth of homes and shops spotting the land between the castle and the dock, and smoke rising up from the tiny chimneys. They were better off without Zumena.
A new red light began flashing on Kit’s console. The collision alert sounded and Kit altered course, stopping the Griffinscape’s ascent. Kit leveled off and attempted to maneuver away from the overhead vessel. It followed her every move. The ship-to-ship com unit crackled to life.
“Griffinscape, you are attempting to deviate from your authorized course. Please explain,” said a young man over the crackling speaker. His voice was gruff and clearly annoyed.
Rex looked at Kit. “Looks like we’re going to have to land after all.”
Kit punched the button to reply to the young man and ignored Rex. “We had a malfunction and need to return to orbit.”
The young man said, “Negative Griffinscape. Maintain your original course and land at the proper coordinates or you will be forced down.”
Kit said, “If our reactor explodes—
“We’re monitoring your ship’s systems. Your reactor is operating within acceptable norms for your class of ship,” the young man said. “Quit stalling and land your vessel now or I’ll be forced to fire upon you.”
Rex grinned for ear to ear. Kit glared at him. She adjusted the Griffinscape’s course back to their original heading. The castle and its village grew larger in the viewport until they were practically on top of it. Kit stopped the forward movement and carefully lowered the ship into the middle of the landing dock using vertical thrusters only. When the Griffinscape touched down on the concrete pad, she powered down the thrusters and ship’s engines. Above them, the roof to the landing slid closed, cutting out the sky from view and leaving Kit feeling trapped.

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Jade Runner, Part 18

The Griffinscape exited the Rasa gateway in a brilliant flash of white light. Standing behind Kit in the ship’s helm and navigation center, Tara watched as Kit accelerated toward the green and blue sphere that was their destination; Rasa. It grew larger in the forward window ports until it filled them. Kit altered their course to orbit the planet.
Rex swiveled out of the navigation chair and jumped to his feet. “I’ll make the final arrangements for our landing.”
Kit nodded. “Good, I just want to get this over and done with.”
Rex left the area through the door at the back and head to communications room on the port side of the ship. Tara followed, closing the room’s door behind her. She had questions and the things she thought she knew weren’t adding up. Kit and Quinn acted like nice enough people, but so did every con artist in the galaxy.
Rex paused at the control and eyed Tara along with the closed door at her back. “What’s going on?” he asked.
Tara looked him over. He wore dusty clothes, worn with age and toil. His hat might have belonged to a farmer, his jacket fit a pilot, and his shirt and jeans would have been more befitting to a maintenance worker in the dark depths of Centora city. Somehow the hodgepodge collection fit the man and gave him the feel of a man hardened in truth and reality. He was rugged with sharp edges.
“Why are you doing this?” she asked.
“Rasa ain’t exactly civilized territory,” Rex said. “If I don’t schedule our landing we’ll likely be shot right out of the sky.”
Tara stepped forward and leaned on the edge of the console between them. “That’s not what I’m talking about. Why are you mixed up in this dirty drug deal?”
Rex eyed her. He noticed the tone of her voice, the white of her knuckles gripping the console and the sadness in her eyes. “You heard Captain Kid, this mess is all my fault.”
Tara nodded. “Is it?”
“Maybe I underestimated you,” Rex said.
She asked, “How so?”
“I figured you a lost cause,” he said. “She made such a nice little tale out of rescuing you, I didn’t expect you’d see through it.”
“Things just aren’t making sense to me,” Tara said. “First she says she’s responsible for what happened to me, then she says she not. She says she hates LX and yet she’s hauling illegal cargo for them. We could have stopped this whole thing back on that Custom’s station, but like you said, she only seems to care about making her money. I don’t trust her. Don’t misunderstand me though, I don’t trust you either.”
Rex smiled. “Smart lady. Figures you’d be a doctor.”
“So,” Tara said, looking him in the eye, “why are you helping her deliver these drugs.”
Rex nodded. “The Griffinscape used to be my ship. I lost her fair and square to our young Captain cause I was drunk and stupid. She offered me a job as her navigator on this trip with the promise of big money, the kind of money that could help me a get a ship of my own again. I didn’t ask questions, guess I probably knew and didn’t want to know, that anything paying that much had to be illegal.”
“The syringe?” Tara asked.
Rex smiled wider and chuckled. “Yeah. I had to look and when I saw what we were carrying, I thought maybe I could stop us short. Set things right, you know?”
“Why did you help her with the Inspector then?” Tara asked.
Rex stopped smiling. He shook his head. “I thought she’d go quietly, but she was ready to turn the whole deal nuclear. If she’d forced a full investigation with the paperwork she had from LX, all the little lies that the government tells itself would start to unravel and all of us, not just the bitchy little kid, but all of us, would spend the rest of our lives someplace very dark and unpleasant. The kind of place where you can know all the dirty little secrets that make the galaxy spin and nobody will ever listen to you.”
“Maybe she was bluffing,” Tara said.
Rex shook his head. “I played poker against her. She doesn’t bluff.”
“We can’t deliver these drugs,” Tara said. “People will die if we do.”
“If you mean that,” Rex said, “I could use your help.”
“To do what?” Tara asked.
“When we enter the atmosphere and maneuver for a landing, we’ll have to pass over an ocean,” Rex said.
Tara nodded.
Rex said, “If someone were in the starboard engineering room at the right moment and happened to push the emergency release for the lower cargo bay doors, all those drugs would fall into the ocean and sink all the way to the ocean floor.”
“Didn’t you say you were the only one who knew the buyers for this deal and if we don’t deliver they’ll hunt us down?” Tara asked.
Rex nodded. “They’ll hunt the kid and her gray haired sidekick down. She made me help her set this deal in motion using some of my less savory contacts. Like I said, I should have known this was illegal job.”
Tara considered Rex’s story and found it missing pieces, just like Kit’s. “Why would Kit trust you to keep the contacts from her, if this was all her idea?”
Rex laughed. “She didn’t. I kept the contacts from her because without them as insurance I figured I’d be good as dead as soon she figured she didn’t need me anymore. Given what happened back at the station, I think it’s safe to say I was right.”
Tara nodded. His story wasn’t perfect, but the pieces fit well enough to the facts she knew. People have secrets and sometimes those secrets create gaps in the puzzle of events. She figured if the overall picture wasn’t obscured, the missing bits didn’t really matter.
“And why wouldn’t they hunt us down?” Tara asked.
“They don’t even know about you,” Rex said. “As for me, well let’s just say I have some friends in high places who could make things very difficult for these people if I disappear.”
“You really want to do this?” Tara asked.
Rex nodded. “We can’t deliver these drugs.”
Tara left the room and took the elevator down to the first level. She stood next to the controls for the cargo bay doors and watched on a small monitor as the ship entered the atmosphere on course for its rendezvous. When the image showed nothing but water below, she pressed the button. A red siren flashed and alarm blared over the engine room speaker. The lower cargo bay doors swung downward, opening a hole in the bottom of the ship and dropping the LX crates into the water.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Jade Runner, Part 17

Quinn stepped in front of Kit, placing himself between her and the orange collared man. “Is this really necessary?” he asked.
Kit laid a hand on Quinn’s shoulder. “It’s alright,” she said, “he just wants to prove he’s the one with the power.”
The orange collared man produced a leather strap from inside his white coat. The smug confidence sparkling in his eyes proved beyond any doubt he had done this sort of thing in the past. Rex’s grin and stance indicated he not only knew it, but had counted on it. Tara recognized the signs, knew with the right words she could probably end the whole thing right then and there. She remained silent, afraid to draw attention to herself, afraid she might make matters worse rather than better. Because that’s what always happened when she tried to do the right thing.
“Get your clothes off,” the orange collared man said, looking at Kit.
Kit reached inside her jacket and lifted both pistols from her waist. She kept them pointed at the deck. Her eyes pointed at the orange collared man.
“D-don’t d-do,” the orange collared man said, “an-anything you’ll r-regret.”
Kit said, “I’m not getting naked for you.”
The orange collared man straightened his spine. “You agreed to a spanking.”
“Yes, I did,” Kit said. “I didn’t agree to humiliation.”
“Well it’s not a spanking if it’s not on the bare,” the orange collared man said.
Kit glanced at Quinn.
Quinn shrugged. “The man’s got a point. I’m sure you can just bare your bottom though and that’ll satisfy everyone.”
Kit handed the pistols to Quinn and shook her head at the orange collared man. Her fingers unfastened her belt and opened the front of her jeans. She let the jeans fall to her knees and slipped her finger into the waistband of her panties. Her eyes glared into those of the orange collared man. She yanked her panties down until they rested inside the top of her jeans around her knees. Her hands folded together, covering herself in front.
“Let’s get this over with,” she said.
The orange collared man nodded and stepped up to take position beside and behind kit. “Bend down,” he said.
Kit leaned forward resting her palms on her knees. The air in the cargo hold felt sticky. She could hear the breathing of her friends, of Rex, of the orange collared man, and of the arm of inspectors watching from outside the cargo bay. It should have turned her face bright red. Embarrassment should have flushed her skin from head to toe. The recent events in her life had changed her. She felt nothing about her predicament, not even anger.
The strap tapped against her exposed butt. It was soft and worn with use and age. The orange collared man drew it back and snapped it through the air, cracking it against her bulging flesh. Her buttocks wobbled and bounced. A red stripe rose to the surface of her white skin. Kit blinked and breathed like normal, like she was still waiting for the first stroke to fall.
“You know I’m doing you a favor here,” the orange collared man said.
Kit looked through her arm at him. “I agreed to a spanking not a lecture. If your finished, I’ve got a delivery to make and if you’re not, you’re wasting time.”
The orange collared man raised the strap and slashed it down on her buttocks. He didn’t wait for the next stripe to raise, but instead raised the strap again and whipped it through the air toward her waiting backside. His arm began to blur with the speed of his motion as he strapped her naked butt with all the vigor he could muster. The cargo bay echoed with the crack of leather snapping against raw skin and the labored breaths of the orange collared man.
Kit blinked in tune with each impact. She maintained her breathing, controlled and even, unaffected by the sting of the strap. Her butt turned from white to red, to dark red. The redness rose in stripes identical in width to the strap and each stripe brought with it a warmth that built steadily on stripe after stripe until her bottom felt ready to ignite in flames. A tickling sting spread across her naked, bouncing flesh. She felt no remorse and there were no tears in her eyes.
Having landed at least fifty strokes, the orange collared man stopped swinging his arm and consequently, the strap. “We’re done.”
He tucked the strap back inside his coat. Kit straightened and pulled her clothes back into place with her back still to the orange collared man. From the corner of her eye she caught a nod between Rex and the man. It served only to confirm the suspicions already circulating in her head. The orange collared man descended the ramp and joined his army of inspectors. Without a backward glance they left the docking bay.
Kit looked at Rex. “I ought to throw you out the airlock just as soon as we clear the station.”
Rex laughed. “Suit yourself, but you’ll only have yourself to blame when you find yourself being hunted all over the galaxy.”
“You’re not that important,” Quinn said, “or that well liked.”
Rex said, “No, but our cargo is. You get rid of me and you won’t know where to deliver it or to whom, but the people who are expecting it, know who you are. Throw me out the airlock and you might as throw yourself out too.”
Tara said, “We aren’t actually going to deliver this shit are we?”
Kit scowled at Rex. “We don’t have a choice. We’ve accepted the job and money has already changed hands.”
Rex nodded. “Yep, I had you pegged from the moment we met. It’s always all about the money.”
Kit’s hands pressed against her tender backside. “Let’s just get out of here and get the job done.”

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Jade Runner, Part 16

Fifteen minutes is all it took. The white coated inspectors returned to the cargo bay and reported two at a time to their orange collared leader before lining up at the foot of the loading ramp. Kit watched the flow of traffic with suspicion tainted eyes, but other than the smug grinning of Rex on the opposite side of the loading ramp, she saw nothing amiss. Nothing, until the final two inspectors made their report and a small sealed package exchanged hands ending inside a large pocket in the orange collared man’s outer coat.
The last two inspectors exited the bay, joining their comrades at the bottom of the loading ramp. Kit watched the orange collared man as he too approached the ramp as if he were going to exit. At the last moment, he veered off-course and stopped only inches from Rex. The orange collared man lifted the package out of his pocket and waved it in the small space between himself and Rex.
“I’m sorry Rex, but it seems we have problem,” the orange collared man said.
Rex cocked his head at the package. “What you got there?”
At the orange collared man’s touch the package turned from solid orange to transparent. Inside a small syringe was the only visible object. Tara drew a quick breath at the sight. Kit’s jaw tightened and her instincts screamed for her to run. She stood her ground, having no place to go. Quinn watched with impassivity and Rex kept grinning.
The orange collared man said, “I’m going to have to take you into custody.”
“I was hoping not to have to say anything,” Rex said, his eyes looking over the man’s shoulder to meet Kit’s, “but I’m afraid I ain’t the Griffinscape’s captain no more.”
“And who is?” The orange collared man asked.
Kit stepped forward. “I am. What’s going on here?”
The orange collared man turned around to face Kit. “My inspectors found this syringe and their scanners confirmed it is filled with an illegal narcotic, Zumena.”
“The only drugs on my ship are right here in these crates,” Kit said. “If your inspectors found that syringe on my ship, it could only have come from right here and I think we both know if they’ve opened one of these crates, they’re the ones in trouble here.”
“They found it in your medical bay,” the orange collared man said. “I have to place you under arrest.”
“Why me?” Kit asked, glancing around at her companions. “I’m not the only one here and that syringe is definitely not mine. In fact, I’ve never even seen it before.”
The orange collared man said, “You are the owner and captain of this vessel. That makes you responsible for any contraband found on your ship.”
Rex smirked at Kit. “You wanted to keep the ship.”
Kit glared at Rex. Her instincts told her he was responsible for the mess, but she also knew Tara had been inside the crates. Given the location the Custom’s inspectors said they had found the syringe, it was possible Tara had just been careless. She hadn’t known they were about to dock with a Custom’s station.
“How do I know your inspector’s didn’t just plant that thing?” Kit asked. “How do I know they didn’t open one of these crates and just take a syringe out to create a problem?”
The orange collared man said, “My inspectors know better than to open any of these crates and their search of the ship is completely documented on video.”
Kit said, “Video can be edited easily enough. Why don’t we check these crates and just make sure none of them has been opened.”
“Are you suggesting this syringe came from one of these crates?” the orange collared man asked. “Because if you are, it would appear then that you’re confessing to knowingly transporting illegal narcotics under the guise of legally protected pharmaceuticals.”
Don’t be reckless, Jade’s voice taunted in Kit’s ears. Pushing too far could be disastrous, but Kit knew she needed leverage if she hoped to leave Custom’s station any time soon. An open crate would create doubt regarding the conduct of the inspectors. Doubt gave Kit room to bargain. The only problem remaining, centered on the contents of that open crate which Kit feared would be an exact match for the packaged syringe. If the inspectors learned the crates were full of such syringes, Kit and her crew would find themselves caught up in the midst of a criminal investigation directed by politics, not facts.
Kit said, “I don’t know the exact contents of these crates anymore than you do. What I do know is I don’t trust your inspectors.”
“Your trust, or lack of it, is irrelevant,” the orange collared man said.
“What evidence do you have that the syringe in the bag has ever been handled by any of us?” Quinn asked, stepping forward to offer Kit support.
The orange collared man looked to Quinn. “None. The find is documented as occurring in the ship’s medical bay and the contents are identified as narcotic. However, no DNA, fingerprints or fiber particles were found on or around the syringe.”
Quinn raised an eyebrow at the orange collared man. “And that doesn’t strike you as odd or the least bit suspicious?”
The orange collared man said, “Those are matters for the courts, not me.”
Rex cleared his throat and tipped his hat back. “Surely we can find a way not to involve the courts in this little mix up?”
The orange collared man glanced over his shoulder at Rex. “What do you have in mind?”
Rex said, “You already have the syringe, keep it.”
Kit said, “And we’ll just be on our way without causing you more trouble.”
“Alright,” the orange collared man said. “We’ll handle it your way with one condition.”
Kit shrugged. “What?”
The orange collared man looked her straight in the eye. “You take a spanking for having the audacity to accuse my people of corruption.”
Kit’s face reddened with anger. “We all know that evidence was planted, the only question is by whom.”
The orange collared man shrugged. “Well, if you don’t like my suggestion, I suppose we’ll just have to let the courts sort all this out.”
Consequence aren’t just for other people, Jade taunted in Kit’s ear.
Kit sighed. “Fine, I’ll take your spanking, but fifteen minutes from now, my ship, crew and cargo had better be back on our way.”