Monday, February 6, 2012

The Spanking Chronicles of Cedar Lake: The Easiest Quiz

The bell rang. Students remained seated, their books open, pencils gripped in their hands, but their gazes darted from the clock mounted high on the wall to the stoic face of their lecturing instructor, pacing the front floor of the classroom. His final sentence concluded and his feet carried him back behind the wood podium. He rested his hands on the top edges and smiled his approval.
Professor Harris said, “It appears we’re out of time for today. Worksheets nine and ten are due at the beginning of class tomorrow. Dismissed.”
Thirty-two books slammed closed simultaneously. The room erupted with the noise of exiting students, hurried to be anywhere except inside the classroom. Professor Harris shook his head and chuckled while watching the mass exodus. A hand brushed his sleeve and he turned toward the source. His teaching assistant stood before him with a large blue binder hugged to the front of her white blouse.
Tiffany Flanagan asked, “Do you need anything else before I take my lunch?”
He looked into her green eyes. Her reading glasses hung from a black cord around her neck and clacked against the binder drawing his gaze lower for a second. She blushed, turning her milky complexion strawberry, like her long, wavy hair. He blinked and cleared his throat.
“I haven’t seen,” Professor Harris said, “the quiz for my one o’clock class.”
She nodded. “I know. I’ll make the copies during lunch.”
The smile faded from his lips. He raised an eyebrow. “That should have been taken care of yesterday.”
The tone in his voice would have cause any of his students to shrink away from him. Tiffany stood her ground and held his gaze. “There was too long a line at the copier last night so I reserved it for this afternoon. Don’t worry, I’ll get it done.”
He folded his arms in front of his chest and used his full height to stare down at her. “And what if the copy machine is down?”
She shook her head, gently bouncing her hair off her shoulders. “It won’t be.”
His eyebrow raised again. “And if it is?”
She sighed. “Then I guess I’ll just have to make the thirty copies by hand.”
Professor Harris shook his head. “I hope you don’t intend to leave your duties to the last minute often. It does not inspire me with much confidence.”
“Don’t worry,” she said, “everything will work out just fine.”
The attitude of a student and she expected someday to be a teacher. He rolled his eyes. “Fortunately for you, I don’t have anything else I need from you at the moment so you may go.”
She nodded. “Alright, I’ll see you after lunch.”
He watched as she walked out the door, his eyes focused on the swaying curves beneath her snug black skirt. “But if those copies aren’t ready, you’ll likely to never want to see me again.”
Tiffany opened her blue binder on the counter opposite the copy machine. She pushed the brown plastic bridge of her reading glassed up along her nose until the lenses completely covered her eyes. Her fingers turned the pages until she located the appropriate quiz paper. She slipped it out of the plastic protector pouch and laid the page on the counter next to the open binder. The machine had only a few copies to finish on someone else’s job and then it would be her turn. She turned her back to the counter and leaned against it.
A student poked his around the corner leading from the administration offices into the small copy room. Seeing Tiffany, he stepped fully into the open doorway. “Ms. Flanagan?” he asked.
She didn’t recognize him from any of Professor Harris’ classes, but that only meant he hadn’t set himself apart from his classmates, not that he wasn’t one of Harris’ students. That was a possibility too. He was definitely young, first or second year without a doubt. “Can I help you?” she asked.
The young man smiled. He thrust his hand forward. “I’m Jason Ellis.”
She smiled less enthusiastically and grasped his hand. “Pleased to meet you Jason. How can I help you?”
He slipped a small notepad out of his shirt pocket and pressed a silver twist pen, etched with The Cedar Lake Chronicle, against the pad. “Five minutes of your time and just a few easy questions,” he said.
Tiffany pulled her glasses off her face and let them drop against her chest, hanging by their cord. “Excuse me?”
Jason nodded. “I’m a reporter with the school paper and you’re my story.”
She blinked at him. “How am I your story?”
Jason chuckled and swept his floppy brown hair out of his eyes with the back of his pen hand. “You’re new.”
“I’m a TA for Professor Harris,” she said.
He nodded. “Young, cute, and assisting one of the strictest teachers on campus.”
The blush rising in her cheeks highlighted her overabundance of freckles. “Those are not appropriate comments for you to make in my presence.”
He shook his head, bouncing his too long hair around. “The student body is curious about you and they have a right to know.”
Tiffany cocked her head to the side and opened her mouth with the intention of telling the boy to get lost before he dug himself in a hole. The kind of hole that required the high velocity crack of a paddle against bare flesh to launch one’s self back out.
He said, “We could always take it up with the Dean, but I have to warn you stonewalling the press is considered a pretty serious offense around here.”
She straighted her head and blinked at him. “Excuse me?”
He laughed. “Well you wouldn’t be the first person I’ve interviewed sporting a very bare and very red backside.”
Tiffany blushed even brighter. The boy was most likely bluffing, but knowing Cedar Lake’s policy on so many other things, it wasn’t a chance she was willing to take. Besides, how bad could a few questions be? She glanced at the copy machine. “Could we do this later?” she asked.
He shook his head. “We both seem to have the time right now.”
“I’m busy,” she said. “I have to make copies for Professor Harris.”
“The copier does all the hard work,” he said. “If you can walk and chew gum at the same time, you can copy and answer my questions too.”
She was tempted to tell him she couldn’t walk and chew gum, but she had a feeling that would end up in print. “Fine,” she said.
Jason put his pen back to the pad. “You don’t appear to be much older than the students here. Does that affect your relationship with Professor Harris?”
Tiffany found it infinitely more difficult to meet the boy’s gaze than Professor Harris’. “He’s my boss and I’m his assistant. That is the extent of our relationship.”
He scribbled on his pad. “Those are the facts, but do you not feel like he treats you more as a student than a colleague because of your age?”
“I am not a student,” Tiffany said.
“Yes,” Jason said, nodding his head, “but does Professor Harris make you feel like one?”
There were times she felt exactly that way. Like the way he scolded her over the copies when they weren’t even needed for another hour. Regardless, it wasn’t the kind of thing to be seen in print, especially in the school paper where Professor Harris would almost certainly read it. “No,” she said.
Jason scribbled on his pad. “Really?” he asked. “I heard he required you to sign a discipline agreement as a condition for accepting you as his assistant?”
Tiffany swallowed as her face warmed to the point of perspiration. “Who told you that?”
He shook his head. “My source is protected by an anonymity agreement. Is there a discipline agreement?”
The copier finished its current job. Tiffany turned around and lifted the quiz original from the counter and then laid it inside the open binder on top of the plastic protector sheet with the answer key still inside. She turned away from the counter and squeezed past Jason. Her head poked out of the copy room and scanned the administration area looking for someone who was likely waiting on the copies the machine had finished making.
Jason moved further into the room and stood in front of Tiffany’s open binder. “Looking for someone?” he asked.
She kept her back to him and stepped through the doorway for a better look around the administration offices. “I’d have thought whoever was running those copies would be around waiting for them.”
He chuckled. “You might expect that, but most of the teachers just get the jobs started and then come back hours later, expecting the copies to be finished and neatly stacked on the counter here with their name printed on a post-it note atop the stack.”
She turned back into the room. “I don’t even know who they belong to.”
He nodded. “I’d just put them on the counter and let someone else worry about it.”
She shook her head, but he was right. It took only a moment to collect the completed copies from the output tray and they were already stacked neatly. She sat them on the counter and then removed the original from the feeder exit, placing it atop the stack of copies. If the owner didn’t like it, maybe next time they’d stick around and do the whole job.
Jason said, “So, about that discipline agreement, does it really exist?”
Tiffany avoided his gaze, but squeezed up to the counter beside him, pretending to be more focused on her copying job than his question. She grabbed for the original and found only smooth clear plastic. Her eyes blinked and she looked around the nearby counter and floor for the original.  “What the heck did I do with that?”
“The discipline agreement?” Jason asked.
Tiffany huffed annoyance in the boys direction. She turned her back to him and checked the copier’s feeder to see if she’d already placed the original in it. “The document I was going to copy, I seem to have misplaced it.”
Jason laughed. “I’ll tell you where it is if you answer my question.”
She cocked her head at him. Of course, the nosy little boy had taken it as leverage. She held her open hand out toward him. “Give it to me.”
“The discipline agreement,” he asked, “is it real?”
Tiffany rolled her eyes and sighed. The boy was definitely dedicated. “Yes,” she said, “but that’s just standard operating procedure at Cedar Lake as I’m sure you already know.”
Jason scribbled on his pad while nodding. “I just had to confirm it,” he said. “Rules of the press you know.”
“Whatever,” she said. “Where is my original?”
He reached over on top of her open binder and picked up a paper sitting on top of the plastic protector. “Is this the one?” he asked.
She shook her head and snatched it from his fingers. “I swear I just looked there for it.”
He laughed. “I think you were flustered.”
Tiffany placed the page in the feeder, keyed in her copy code and entered the number of copies she needed into the keypad. The copier whirred to work, whisking the original inside of itself and flashing bright light at it. Copies began shooting into the output tray. It wouldn’t take long to make the thirty copies she needed.
Jason asked, “Has Professor Harris ever exercised his right to discipline you under the terms of the agreement?”
Tiffany glared at him over her shoulder. “No.”
He said, “But you have seen him discipline a large number of students since the beginning of term, correct?”
She nodded.
“Considering how frequently he uses corporal punishment with his students,” Jason said, “aren’t you concerned his standards for behavior might be too high for you to avoid it at least once or twice during the term?”
Tiffany turned to face Jason more directly. “I’m not a student and Professor Harris does not use corporal punishment without cause. So I’m not worried in the slightest.”
Jason nodded, scribbling more notes on his pad. “Fair enough,” he said. “That’s all my questions for now. I’ll be sitting in on Professor Harris’ next class to take some more notes and a few pictures of you working, but please don’t let my presence affect you.”
Tiffany smiled. “I doubt I’ll even notice you’re there.”
The copy machine finished the last copy and went silent. Tiffany turned her back to Jason and collected her copies and the original. A glance at the clock above the copy machine informed her she only had a few minutes to get back to Professor Harris’ classroom. She slipped the original back into it’s sleeve and laid the copies on top, closing the binder to hold them inside. Jason had already turned and started the long walk toward the class. Tiffany followed him the entire way there.
Jason and Professor Harris were already speaking when Tiffany arrived. They turned and looked at her as she stepped inside. Jason’s look came complete with an expression of mischievousness and amusement written on his lips and twinkling in his eyes. Professor Harris appeared stoic as usual but something about the corners of his lips suggested he was unhappy. Tiffany hoped the cause of his unhappiness centered more on Jason than herself.
She smiled at them both. Her gaze moved from them to the small desk in the far corner facing the rest of the classroom desks. She crossed the room at a brisk pace and laid her blue binder down on her desktop. Her finger found the stack of copies and she quickly flipped the pages through her fingers double checking the count.
A sigh of relief passed through her lips. The count was perfect. She laid the papers down beside the binder and turned her attention back toward the podium. Professor Harris stood alone. Her gaze drifted to the student desks. Jason sat in the front row in a desk directly in front of hers. He held a camera in his hands and even amongst the rumble of students taking their seats she could hear the whir of digital images being saved.
The bell rang. Silence ruled the room. Tiffany laid her hand on top of the copies.
Professor Harris looked over his students, lightly nodding his head as his gaze swept the width of the room. “Good afternoon,” he said. “Please take out your pencils and place the rest of your materials in the baskets under your seats.”
He turned his head toward Tiffany. “Do you have the quiz ready?”
She nodded and lifted the pages as evidence.
His arm gestured toward the class. “My students are waiting.”
Tiffany crooked the stack of copies in her arm and made her way into the rows of student desks, starting on the door side of the room. Weaving her way up and down the aisles she gave each student their copy of the quiz. Her gaze avoided Jason though she could hear his camera whirring away every few seconds. As she approached his desk, the last one occupied on her journey through the class, she wondered if she should give him one of the five extra copies she had made. It would be amusing to see if Professor Harris would hold him to the same standard he did the rest of the students in the class. Her lips turned upward and her feet paused in their forward movement while she savored the thought.
Professor Harris said, “Mr. Ellis is not part of the class, Ms. Flanagan.”
She blinked out of her vivid imagination. The smile left her lips. Her feet moved forward again, heading back toward her desk at a faster pace than before. Embarrassment colored her milky cheeks. She could feel the eyes of the entire class focused on her.
“I,” Professor Harris said, “would think you’d know that without my assistance.”
Tiffany took her seat in silence. She glanced at the classroom and immediately looked down at her binder. The entire class remained fixated on her. Sweat turned her hands clammy. Had the Professor done more than verbally embarrass her? Had she missed something?
She looked at Professor Harris, but his back was turned to her. A girl in the center of the classroom, seated in the front row, raised her hand. The girl’s legs trembled beneath the desk. Her hand quivered in the air. The classroom’s attention slipped from Tiffany to the girl.
Professor Harris said, “Ms. Guthrie, is there a problem?”
Ms. Guthrie lowered her hand. “I think so.”
The only sound in the room was the whir of Jason’s camera.
“Would you care to elaborate?” Professor Harris asked.
She looked at her desk and bit on her lower lip. Her eyelashes fluttered as she looked back up at Professor Harris. “There seems to be something wrong with this quiz.”
He stepped out from behind his podium. “Is it possible that what’s wrong is you haven’t been keeping up on your studies?”
Ms. Guthrie shook her head. “Oh no sir. I’m relatively certain I could pass this quiz even if I’d never opened my book.”
Professor Harris raised an eyebrow. “I should very much like an explanation, but if you’re reluctant to give it, I’m certain my paddle can coax it out of you.”
Ms. Guthrie shifted in her seat. Her gaze dropped to the quiz on her desk. “The answers seem to already be on mine.”
Professor Harris blinked. “Excuse me?”
“The answers,” Ms. Guthrie said, “they are already marked on my quiz.”
Professor Harris stared at Ms. Guthrie.
A young man seated behind Ms. Guthrie said, “Mine is like that too, sir.”
Professor Harris walked to Ms. Guthrie’s desk and lifted the quiz. He looked it over. His eyes closed. He opened his eyes and looked it over again. On every problem, the answers were clearly marked. He blinked. The quiz remained unchanged in his hand. He turned on his heel and gazed at Tiffany seated behind her desk.
Tiffany met Professor Harris’ gaze. She slipped her reading glasses on and looked down at the extra copies of the quiz. The pages flipped under the guidance of her fingers. Each one revealed the same horrifying evidence; the answers were all there. Her mouth ran dry. She opened her blue binder and found the original. The answer key stared up at her from beneath the plastic protector and when she slipped it out of the plastic, the student version remained. Somehow, she switched the two pages and copied the wrong one.
Professor Harris held the quiz in his hands so that she could see it, albeit without any detail given the distance between them. “Would care to explain this, Ms. Flanagan?”
Tiffany gulped air. “There’s been a mistake.”
He nodded. “It would appear so.”
Turning on his heel again, Professor Harris spun to face the class. He held the quiz up for his students. “Does anyone have a version without the answers?”
While some of the students appeared reluctant, they all shook their heads indicating the error was in no way isolated to a few of the quiz sheets, but rather to them all. Tiffany could have told him that. She had not switched the original mid-copying. Copies, by their very nature, were all the same, every time. If Professor Harris doubted such a thing, perhaps he should be the assistant and she the professor. His theatrics for the class tempted her to say such a thing aloud. Matters could hardly get worse. Or could they?
The whir of Jason’s camera interrupted her thoughts. She focused her gaze on the boy hiding behind the lens. Something wasn’t right. Never a problem, nothing had gone wrong and then he showed up and her world turned upside down. And there he was, camera ready to document everything in vivid detail for the school paper.
Professor Harris turned back to Tiffany. “I think an explanation is in order.”
Tiffany’s gaze hung on Jason for a moment longer, hearing the whir of another picture being taken. She blinked and refocused on the Professor. “Someone must have switched the originals when I wasn’t looking.”
He stepped closer. “Am I to understand you left the binder with all my tests and quizzes and their answer keys, unattended?”
Tiffany shook her head. “No, sir. I was there the whole time.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Then how would someone switch the originals and when weren’t you looking?”
“There were other copies being made and I looked for the owner, but couldn’t find them,” she said.
He nodded, stepping still closer. “Then you did leave the binder unattended.”
She shook her head. “My back was turned, but I never left the room.”
He took another step closer. “And who then was standing behind you?”
Tiffany’s gaze turned to Jason. She heard the whir of his camera snapping another picture. “Mr. Ellis.”
Professor Harris looked over his shoulder at Jason and then turned his gaze back on Tiffany. “So, I’m to believe a freshman who is not even in my class, assigned to write a pleasant article introducing you to the student body, swapped the originals, made you copy the answer key and distribute it to my class?”
Tiffany huffed. The whir of Jason’s camera informed her the moment had been captured in digital vibrancy. She said, “He didn’t make me, he tricked me.”
Professor Harris shook his head. “Tricked you? He tricked you into waiting til the last minute to make the copies? He tricked you into not looking at the original before you copied it? He tricked you into passing out a quiz without looking at it first? Did he trick you into all of that? Or is it just a little more likely that you were lazy and in your haste to meet your responsibilities you became incompetent?”
The color drained from Tiffany’s face. She heard the camera whir. Jason tricked her, but that only went so far in explanation. If she hadn’t been in a rush, his childish prank would never have succeeded. The game was nothing new. Students always tried to get the better of their teachers and apparently such held true for the teacher’s assistant as well. She should have been more cautious.
“Obviously,” Tiffany said, “the mistake is mine.”
Professor Harris nodded. “Good of you to admit it,” he said. “However, I cannot allow a situation like this to pass without consequence.”
Tiffany fought the urge to chew on her lip. “I understand.”
“You’ll be paddled and if you don’t start acting more responsibly, you’ll be paddled often,” he said.
Tiffany blushed.
The camera whirred.
“I’m sorry, sir,” she said.
Professor Harris said, “You will be.”
Tiffany stared at the Professor. He turned and walked back to his podium. His hand slipped underneath the top panel and came out holding the oval leather paddle he always used to discipline his students. She blushed.
The camera whirred.
Professor Harris pointed the paddle’s end at Tiffany, waving it like a wagging finger. “Stand up and remove your skirt.”
Tiffany blinked and held her hands to her chest. “Here? Now?”
His head cocked to the side. “Yes and yes. Or perhaps we should do this in the student cafeteria at dinner time?”
A male student said, “I opt for that.”
The camera whirred.
Professor Harris looked at the class over his shoulder. “The next person who talks out of turn will be joining Ms. Flanagan touching their toes.”
Tiffany stood beside her desk. Her legs trembled. She could feel the eyes of every student glued to her. Her fingers felt numb and clumsy working the clasp and zipper on the back of her skirt. Unfastened, the black material slid down her legs making a puddle around her feet. She stepped backward out of it and leaned down, lifting the discarded garment. Her shaking hands held it in front of her black panties. They were the sort of undergarments inappropriate for students, but perfectly normal in the adult world.
Professor Harris said, “Fold it up and place it on my podium. You won’t be needing it for the remainder of the day.”
The camera whirred.
Tiffany forced her legs to move. The walk from her desk to the podium seemed like miles rather than the few steps it actually required. Hidden behind its wood casing, she lifted the skirt and folded it in half length wise and then in half again. She placed it on the top of the podium and looked to Professor Harris.
He continued to watch her every move with the end of the paddle pointed at her. “Step out here,” he said using the paddle to indicate a spot at the front of the class, visible to everyone in the room, “back to the class and touch your toes.”
She peered over the podium at the unmarked spot on the carpet. Her gaze flickered to the students and immediately she regretted it. They were all watching, some even holding their breath, waiting to see her, skirt-less and touching toes like a naughty school girl. She felt the part; Stupid, careless, and embarrassed.
Professor Harris cleared his throat.
Tiffany took the first step. Aggravating him would not make the spanking any easier. Her feet, barely supported by wobbling knees, carried her forward until she stood in the very spot. She pivoted her back to the class. A deep breath and tense silence allowed her the fiction of privacy. There was only the Professor and herself and his paddle.
The camera whirred.
Her fiction shattered.
She bent forward, closed her eyes and reached out with stretched fingers until the tips brushed the tops of her matte shoes. Her heart pounded in her chest, vibrating her entire being from the inside out. Hot blood pulsed against her cheeks as her long curly hair tickled the floor. She opened her eyes to an upside down view of the classroom and the students watching. Some even had the audacity to grin.
The camera whirred.
Professor Harris took up position behind her. He tapped the paddle against the stretched lace of her panties. “Stay in position or these won’t count and I’ll have to add extra. Understood?”
Tiffany nodded her head until she realized that everyone except Professor Harris could see her. “Yes, sir.”
The camera whirred.
He raised the paddle high in the air and brought it swooping down on her taunt buttocks. The impact echoed in the classroom like 30 books slamming closed all at once. He allowed the leather to bend and bounce off the curvature of her buttocks, following through the swat with his arm and wrist until the paddle was free and once again raised to strike.
Tiffany gasped for air as the stinging sensation grew in her buttocks. The poignancy of the first swat left her fighting the urge to grab her butt and run. She’d forgotten what it was like to be spanked. It hadn’t happened in a long time, perhaps too long. She closed her eyes and focused on staying in place.
The camera whirred.
Professor Harris swung. Her eyes shot open. The students blinked. Professor Harris swung again and again. The paddle hovered in the air.
“Ow!” Tiffany said in response to the building heat beneath her panties.
The camera whirred.
A rush of cool classroom air proceeded another impact of the paddle. Professor Harris swung the paddle five more times in quick succession. The students blinked at every snap of the leather against her buttocks. A red glow began to emanate from beneath the black lace of Tiffany’s panties. She gasped and squirmed after every swat.
Professor Harris held the paddle next to his leg. “I should hope you are learning a lesson about careless mistakes and their probable consequences.”
Tiffany nodded and forced herself to orally respond. “Yes, sir.”
The camera whirred.
He raised the paddle back into the air. It swooshed through the air five more times without pause. Her buttocks stung hotter with every impact. Tears stung at her eyes. The class held a collective breath undoubtedly impressed with the awesomeness of the Professor’s ferocity in swinging the leather.
The camera whirred.
Tiffany sniffled back tears.
Professor Harris held the paddle high once more. It cut through the air, clapping against her buttocks another five times. The red shined through her black panties. She cried out, “Ow!” after each strike. Tears flowed freely. The class breathed heavily.
And the camera whirred.
Professor Harris held the paddle at ready. “I should imagine you’ve learned something about not blaming others for your failures about now.”
She nodded. “Yes, sir.”
The paddle swooshed through the air. The contact cracked like a gunshot.
Tiffany cried. “Ow!Ow!”
Every reflex demanded she grab her butt and nurse away the fire and sting shooting through it. Through tears she fought it all and remained in place, touching the tops of her shoes, hair bobbing on and off the floor.
Professor Harris said, “When I.”
The paddle cracked against her buttocks.
Tiffany yelped.
“Tell,” he said.
He slammed the leather into her buttocks again.
Tiffany gasped for air, blinking through tears.
He said, “You.”
The leather struck her buttocks sending ripples through her flesh.
“Ow!” she cried.
“To do,” he said.
He swung the paddle full force into her fiery buttocks.
She sniffled.
He said, “Something.”
The paddle impacted her buttocks.
She cried, “Ow!”
“You do it,” he said.
His arm raised high. He brought the paddle down fast and hard.
She gasped.
He said, “Do.”
The paddle cracked against her buttocks.
“Not,” he said.
She yelped.
He whipped the leather down again.
“Ow!” she cried.
“Procrastinate!” he said.
The paddle cut through the air in a blur. It struck like thunder echoing inside the walls of the classroom.
“Ow!” she howled, throwing her head back, but keeping her fingers in place.
The camera whirred.
Professor Harris walked to his podium and dropped the paddle on top of her folded skirt. He pointed toward the front corner opposite her desk. “Plant your nose in the corner and don’t even think about moving until I tell you.”
Tiffany stood in the corner with her hands on her head. Her buttocks continued to burn and sting, but more because there was nothing else for her to focus on than because the discomfort was growing. She could hear the class going about business as normal and that in itself left her feeling small and insignificant. Her face burned almost as hot as her bottom with the embarrassment of knowing all the students had a perfect view of her freshly spanked bottom.
The bell rang.
She listened to the sound of the students packing up their belongings and exiting the classroom. The room grew quiet as she waited, staring at the empty corner. Hope began to trickle into her thoughts as she realized with the class dismissed and no further classes for the day, Professor Harris had no real reason to keep her displayed in the corner much longer. Her arms ached to fall to her sides.
Professor Harris said, “Well it certainly seems you got more of a story than you bargained for.”
Tiffany blinked at the corner. How was she to respond to such a statement and what on Earth did he mean?
“I guess,” Jason said, “I was just lucky to be in the right place at the right time. The story and pictures ought to get me front page.”
Tiffany flushed hot pink all over again. How long would they leave her standing in the corner while they talked about nonsense?
Professor Harris chuckled. “I imagine they will.”
Jason asked, “Do you mind if I get a close-up of her in the corner?”
“Be my guest,” Professor Harris said.
Tiffany squeezed  her eyes closed and wished to become part of the wall.
The camera whirred.
Professor Harris said, “You know your brother Scott had a knack for being in the right place at the right time too.”
Jason laughed. “It must run in the family.”

Monday, January 30, 2012

Imagine An Update

No groaning please. I know everyone, well all those people who are likely to be reading this at any rate (cause if the whole world is reading this blog, then it’s smaller and much less populated than I could imagine), was hoping to see a new part to The Pickett Family Holiday. And just in case anyone is uncertain, this is definitely not part 10. In fact, I have decided there will not be a part 10. Please, no groaning and let me explain because no part 10 doesn’t mean I’m done with Stephanie Pickett or her family.
Alright, explanations are due and deserved and so you’ll have one. Maybe. Okay, fine I’ll explain. A little.
The Pickett Family Holiday was originally designed to take place during the holiday season, covering Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Thanksgiving is pretty well covered through part 09.
Now, I shall state the obvious.
Christmas and New Years have not only not been covered, they’ve sailed into the past and are quickly becoming distant memories of another year gone by.
What difference does that make?
Well, technically not a damn little bit. I can write a Christmas story in the middle of June if I want and many authors actually do because of publishing deadlines for such material. The thing is, Christmas stories are great in late November and all through December, but who really wants to read one in February or March? Not me.
So, being the practical person I am, it seemed the better choice would be to adjust my story for a more appropriate time setting. And, The Pickett Family Holiday actually wrapped up (no pun intended) quite nicely with part 09. There are some open strands of story and unresolved conflict which are perfect for additional exploration. All this means that I can and will develop the story further, just spreading it out over a longer period of time than I had originally intended. Flexibility, it’s an asset (never more so than when touching one’s own toes while keeping your feet on the ground).
Anyway, what I’m going to be doing, unless loads of you object to my plan, is taking a short break from posting the Pickett story until I can properly develop an alternative route which is currently focused on the concept of Spring Break. I shall also, give the new segment of the story a title fitting the change from the Holiday season to Spring. No, it’s not a permanent break, and yes, I promise to finish out the story properly so you’ll all find out just what that little guilty secret Stephanie’s been hiding is all about. At least that’s the plan. Of course if you prefer, I can simply move on and we can all forget about the Pickett’s.
Next up on the update list, I gather a few of you would like to no what the hell has been going on with yours truly. Well, it’s a long story and someday I’d like someone else to write it and millions of people to be interested enough to read all about it and me. Until that time (Probably about when hell freezes over, pigs fly, and politicians aren’t regularly confused with Pinocchio) I’ll just say I haven’t been able to spend as much time writing as I’d like. Actually for the past month, I’ve been taking a condensed course for school which had me at school four days a week and going out of my mind eight days a week. Starting Friday, the Spring term begins for my school, but not to worry, my schedule is much more manageable than it has been.
Unfortunately, I’m plum out of advanced material for posting. That’s why there have been such inconsistent posting on the blog since the end of last year. In order to get back on top of things I need to slow down my posting schedule so that I can create a new surplus that can help me through those periods when I can’t write as often as I want. They happen more than you might imagine, but up until now, I’ve gotten through them with material written in advance.
In other words, the posting schedule for ITS is going to be a little erratic over the next month or two, possibly longer. I’m going to do my best to post at least one short story per month while I’m rebuilding my advanced supply of stories and if all goes well, I hope to get on a more permanent and timely schedule in the months ahead. I’ll keep you updated on how things are going and no, that won’t be the story I’m posting for you.
The first short story is almost ready to go, but not yet finished or I’d promise you a posting on it for Wednesday. That’s still my goal, but if it takes more time than I’m expecting it could be Friday or even next Monday before it goes up. It’s a return to the Cedar Lake campus, but this time it’s not a student in trouble.  I’ll let you guys figure out what that means.
Oh, and there are couple of you I owe an email as well, sorry for the long delay, but I promise you’ll hear from me this week. If you’re waiting for a reply and don’t get one by Friday, please re-send your original message because I might have lost it in the mix or it could have got caught in my spam filter, but either way that means I don’t have it.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Pickett Family Holiday, Part 09

Stephanie parked the old red wagon on the porch and took a momentary pause from her chores, staring at the empty wood stack frame. The wagon held a full load of fresh cut firewood, piled two feet higher than its rusted metal edges. She knelt in the space between the wagon and the wood stack, ignoring the cold roughness of the concrete against her bare knees. Her hands went about the business of transferring wood while her thoughts drifted through the raging waters of her guilty conscience.
It’d be easier to tell them now, she thought. I’m already in trouble. How much worse can it get?
She sat back on her heels, wiped sweat from her forehead with the back of her arm, sighed, and resumed her work.
A lot.
The voice of a man interrupted her chore-inspired meditation. “Do you think I might be able to steal a couple of those from you?”
She blinked away the images plaguing her consciousness and focused on the reality before her. His black shoes were polished to a dull shine that reflected a meticulousness she rarely encountered. Her eyes moved upward from his shoes drinking in entirety of the man standing over her. He wore tan slacks, pleated and neatly ironed, a black leather dress belt with a shiny silver buckle, and a light blue long sleeve oxford with a buttoned down collar. The shirt pocket even held a pen, black with a silver clip, and a small spiral notepad.
Her gaze settled on his face, pleasant with round cheeks, sparkling green eyes and neatly groomed light brown hair cut to a business length. His lips remained flat, uncommitted to a smile or a frown and his eyes darted nervously from her face to the firewood on both sides of her.
She leaned back, sitting on her heels and brushed her hands together, clearing them of dust and splinters. “Who are you?”
“Jason,” he said and extended his hand down toward her.
Stephanie stared blankly at him.
He said, “I’m Amanda’s boyfriend.”
She inhaled sharply. “Oh.” She shook his hand briefly and then rested her hands on the front of her apron. It occurred to her that he might or might not realize she wasn’t wearing anything beneath the apron. The way his eyes kept avoiding her suggested he was uncomfortable with the situation. She knew the feeling well. “I’m Stephanie, the middle sister.”
“Right.” He nodded. His arms swayed at his sides, fingertips keeping time tapping against his slacks. “I guess you drew the short straw.”
Her eyebrow raised.
His head tilted to the side in a subtle gesture toward the yard beyond the porch. “Working out her instead of helping out in the kitchen.”
Stephanie scoffed shaking her head and looking down at his shoes for a moment before staring back up into his eyes. “Maybe I’m the lucky one.”
“If you truly think so,” his round cheeks grew rosy, “then you’ve got a very odd definition of lucky.”
Her gaze dropped lower and a hot blush graced her own cheeks. Any doubt regarding what he knew of her situation evaporated in the wake of his words. She hoped his observation did not include a view of her posterior, but the hope felt fragile and unrealistic. Her hands found two pieces of firewood on the wagon and she lifted them up in his direction. “I think this is what you were looking for.”
He took the wood and turned back toward the door into the house. A half step later he stopped and looked back. “You know, I could come back and give you a hand,” he said. “If you’d like.”
Stephanie’s hands, already atop more wood in the wagon, paused in their movement as she turned her head back toward Jason. The sympathetic expression on his face transformed into a silly grin in her imagination. She could see him watching her from behind as she loaded the wagon with a fresh batch of firewood. His eyes danced as she bent down, pushing her reddened buttocks out in his direction and his hands clapped together in thunderous applause while she blushed hot as a fire in a hearth.
“Thanks,” she said, blinking away the nightmarish image in her mind’s eye, “but I think I can manage without the applause.”
A short while later, Stephanie stood, push broom in hand, with a pile of dust, dirt and wood splinters gathered at the edge of the porch. The wood stack had been filled, the yard had been cleared of fallen leaves, and her chores were all but finished. She could smell the sweet aroma of butter rolls baking in the oven inside mixed with the rustic scent of wood burning in the fireplace. The cool afternoon air turned cold as the sun dropped below the treetops. A wistful image of standing before the fireplace, warming her hands to the crackle of yellow and orange flame dancing behind the guard, filled her thoughts. She felt warmer just from the imagining.
The back door slid open causing Stephanie to spin around, hiding her exposed back from the sight of her visitor. She realized the glass door made it highly unlikely her visitor hadn’t already gotten an eyeful, but still she felt less embarrassed facing someone. The reflecting glare of the setting sun caused her to squint as she stared toward the door.
Her father stepped out onto the porch and closed the door. He stepped closer until she could see him clearly and there remained only a few feet separating them. “Dinner’s almost ready,” he said.
Stephanie glanced at the pile behind her. “So am I.”
He hooked his thumbs in his belt loops and looked around the porch, eyes pausing on the wood stack first and then on the swept pile sitting on the edge of the porch. “Almost isn’t done,” he said.
Her lips fell flat and her eyes failed to meet her father’s gaze. “You said I had until dinner.”
He nodded. “And as usual you’re pushing my limits.”
She stared at his boots. There wasn’t enough time, she thought. Failure was inevitable and we both knew it from the start.
He pointed at the pile. “Finish sweeping that off the edge.”
Stephanie’s eyes followed the invisible line from his finger and turned around. Six quick swipes of the broom later, the porch was cleared and the pile was gone. She turned back to her father and held the broom upright next to her. The silence under the watchful eyes of her father called for some lip biting and she didn’t fight the urge.
He unhooked his thumbs and looked at his wristwatch. “Looks like you’ve got about ten minutes to get yourself out to the shed, take care of that broom, get out of that apron, and put your dress back on for dinner. You think you can handle that or do I need to come along and motivate you?”
Her eyes brightened and she looked up into his face. She smiled as if she had just been given the best gift of the entire year. “Yes, sir,” she said. “I can handle that fine.”
He smiled and chuckled. “Glad to hear it. Now, get going and don’t dally cause your mother won’t be holding dinner for even a second waiting on you.”
Stephanie nodded. She lifted the broom for carrying and scurried off toward the shed as fast as she could manage without her knees ripping the strings off the apron.
Dressed and feeling almost normal, Stephanie sat at the dinner table. The cushion felt hard pressed against her still tender buttocks, but the majority of her morning spanking’s discomfort had long since faded. She ignored the knowing eyes watching her from around the table and instead focused on the food. It smelled incredibly good and, coupled with the fact she had not eaten a bite the entire day, it was all she could do to keep her stomach from roaring with impatience while her father carved the turkey.
Her mother took each plate and in turn filled them with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, and two butter rolls. The plates then moved to Mr. Pickett and he layered them with cuts of turkey, light or dark meat as the plate’s owner desired. Though the process took only a matter of minutes before the plates were filled and sitting in front of everyone, for Stephanie it seemed a virtual eternity as her mouth salivated for the welcome taste of sustenance.
Mr. Pickett took his seat at the table and smile in the direction of his wife. She cleared her throat, drawing the assembled group’s attention to herself. “I’m thankful for 27 years of marriage to the man of my dreams,” she smiled at her husband, “and of course to have all three of my beautiful daughters home for the holiday.”
Across the table, Nicole said, “I’m thankful to have a wonderful family and husband who are always there to support me no matter what.”
Todd chuckled. “That’s just because you don’t like to work.”
Everyone laughed except Nicole. She stared at Todd in a way that made Stephanie wonder if the flatware was about to take flight.
Todd said, “I’m only kidding, but seriously, I’m thankful to have such a beautiful, intelligent, loving, and most importantly, forgiving wife.”
Mr. Pickett said, “I’m always thankful to have my wife and children, but today I’m especially thankful we can all sit and enjoy this meal together.”
Stephanie rolled her eyes. The emphasis her father put of the word sit, intentionally she imagined, made it clear his comment was at least indirectly directed at her and the manner in which she’d spent the morning and afternoon. A glance around the table assured her everyone knew the “hidden” meaning behind his words.
“Well,” Amanda said, “I’m just really thankful it wasn’t my bath towel mom found on the floor this morning.”
Stephanie glared at her younger sister across the table, but Nicole’s tongue was faster. “No, that was yesterday morning,” said Nicole, “by this morning your butt had learned how to hang it up on the rack.”
Amanda blushed and elbowed Jason beside her as if he was supposed to defend her. Instead, he did a poor job of hiding the smirk on his face and said, “I’m thankful just to be here with all of you. It’s really nice to be with a family that actually wants to be together.”
Todd nodded from the other end of the table. “Ain’t that the truth,” he said. “Some years I’m not sure if my dad is going to carve the turkey or my mother.”
Nicole said, “That’s because it gets harder to tell which is which each year.”
“Nicole!” Mrs. Pickett said. “We don’t talk about other people like that, especially not at the dinner table.”
Todd laid a reassuring hand on Mrs. Pickett’s arm. “It’s okay, my dad would say the same thing.”
Mr. Pickett said, “It’s not okay. My daughters were all raised with better manners than that and Nicole knows very well that if she was still living under my roof, she’d be fetching a bar of soap right now for talking like that.”
“I’m sorry,” Nicole said. “I was only joking and didn’t intend to offend anyone.”
Mr. Pickett said, “I doubt Todd’s mother would find it very funny or inoffensive. Shall we call and ask her?”
“Really,” Todd said, “it’s not a big deal.”
Mr. Pickett’s focus shifted to his son in law. “You’re right, it’s not a big deal now, but a lot of little deals have a way of piling up to be bigger than the big deals. I can tell you straight out, if my wife had the audacity to insult my mother at the dinner table, guests or no, she’d at minimum be taking a bare bottomed trip over my knee.”
Todd looked from Nicole to Mr. Pickett. “I understand and respect your way of doing things in your home, but if and when I have issues with Nicole, I prefer to handle them in private.”
“Public or private is your business,” Mr. Pickett said, “but the fact is you aren’t handling things. She steals money out of your wallet, insults your mother, and God knows what else, and you do nothing at all.”
Mrs. Pickett’s eyes opened wide as she stared at Nicole. “You’re stealing again?”
Nicole turned scarlet and shook her head. “No, it was just a misunderstanding. I told him I needed the money and he forgot.”
Mr. Pickett said, “Donuts and coffee aren’t a need.”
Nicole rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. “Tell that to Todd. He’s the one who has to get a cup of Celia’s brew every morning. That was the first time I’d gone out for breakfast since the middle of July.”
Todd’s head snapped back to his wife. “Excuse me? I get a $3 cup of coffee every morning, yes, but you go out to lunch five days a week and spend a hell of a lot more than three bucks.”
Nicole met her husband’s gaze. “If you’d go grocery shopping more than once a month maybe I wouldn’t have to go out to lunch all the time.”
“Why should I go grocery shopping?” Todd said. “Your the professional homemaker or should I say wrecker considering the messes you leave all over the apartment.”
Mr. Pickett said, “It sounds to me like those little things are already piling up. Maybe you two would like some private time in the shed with my strap.”
Nicole glanced nervously in her father’s direction, but quickly returned her focus to Todd. “I think it would be best if we resumed this discussion at home later.”
Todd looked less than convinced.
Nicole said, “After all dinner is getting cold and Stephanie hasn’t even told us what she’s thankful for this year.”
Stephanie’s stomach voted in favor of being nice to her older sister despite not having in real sympathy for her. She said, “I’m thankful we’re finally going to eat.”
Mr. Pickett glared down the length table at her. Nobody said a word. In fact, no one seemed to be breathing at all.
Stephanie shook her head, rolling her eyes at the ceiling. “And of course I’m very thankful to be home with my loving parents and wonderful sisters and their significant others. It’s truly a wonderful life I’m living.”

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Pickett Family Holiday, Part 08

“Six hours may as well be six minutes,” Stephanie said, staring at the stretch of yard between the shed and the chain link fence separating her parents’ property from their neighbors. “I’m never going to get this done.”

A gust of wind brought more leaves falling from the treetops, supporting her pessimistic perspective. She looked to her left toward the house. Her father and Todd were gone from sight. She focused on the glass door near the kitchen. Inside, her sisters and mother were busy making the preparations for the big meal. She couldn’t see them, but she knew, if they were looking out, they could see her.
Her head turned to the right and she stared at the far corner of the yard where an old sycamore marked the meeting of four yards. The chain link fences ended beneath the shade of the tree where the roots were thick and rolling in and out of the dark soil. There were still a pair of swings hanging from the branches. Her father had made them shortly after they’d moved into the house. They were nothing more than 2x4’s and thick rope, but they’d made for hours of childhood fun. And not just for Stephanie and her sisters, it had been the joy of all the kids who’d grown up in the houses that shared the old tree.
She lifted the rake, carrying it so the tines remained above the grass and the leaves as she walked across the yard toward the old tree. A voice from the past echoed in her thoughts, ‘The sooner you start, the sooner you finish.’ Once beneath the tree, she adjusted her grip and stance, holding the rake out in front of her and began the work of collecting the leaves. With the leaves came memories made sharp by the guilt still plaguing her soul. The strap should have washed those feelings clean, but it hadn’t and her past knew why.
Stephanie bumped one of the swings with the rake, sending it into a gentle sway. A decade ago she had been sitting on that swing. Someone else had been in trouble. She hadn’t meant to watch, but once it began she couldn’t bring herself to look away. It had been around the Thanksgiving holiday then too. Veronica Sanders had been home from college.
The Sanders’ lived in the house directly behind the Pickett’s. All the kids in the four homes sharing the sycamore had called her Aunt Vera on account of the fact she was Mitch’s aunt. It had always struck Stephanie as odd that someone as young as Aunt Vera could actually be an aunt. In some ways Aunt Vera had seemed more like just another one of the kids because even though she was the sister of Mitch’s father, she wasn’t really an adult. In fact, Mitch’s parents treated her more or less the same way they treated Mitch. Which is to say, Aunt Vera got scolded, spanked and grounded just as often as any of the rest of the kids did, sometimes more.
Aunt Vera hadn’t always lived with Mitch and his parents. She’d moved in at the not so grown up age of 14. There had been a car accident, Aunt Vera had been in the backseat, and when the car had stopped it had been twisted, bent, and turned upside down. Aunt Vera had crawled out the busted back window with nothing more than few scratches and a bruise on her forehead. Her parents hadn’t been so lucky. Neither of them made it out of the car.
In the eyes of the five year old Stephanie, the teenage Aunt Vera had seemed very grown up. They’d first met beneath the old sycamore, shortly after the accident. Aunt Vera had been sitting on one of the swings and Stephanie had joined her on the other. They sat and swung and talked until the sun drooped low in the sky and Stephanie decided they’d be friends forever.
Stephanie’s attention returned to the present. She stopped raking and a smile spread across her face as she realized what she’d done. Her monotonous efforts had resulted in a large pile of leaves just a few feet from the swing. Aunt Vera had made piles just like it and Stephanie, along with all the other kids, had taken turns jumping off the swings to land atop the piles. Stephanie was tempted to revisit her childhood activity, but her buttocks were still stinging enough to discourage her from sitting on anything hard and wooden. She shook off the temptation and resumed her raking activities.
Aunt Vera would have made a game out of the work. Stephanie had always admired her for that simple ability. No matter what Aunt Vera was doing, no matter how awful the task, she made it look fun and simple. And Aunt Vera had done her share of outdoor chores, probably more than her share cause she let Mitch talk her into doing his too from time to time.
Stephanie stopped raking. She used her off hand to rub at her burning buttocks. Sometimes, Aunt Vera had done her chores with a bare bottom too. That Thanksgiving had been one of those times.
Mr. Sanders had escorted Aunt Vera out of the house to the very back end of their yard. She hadn’t fought him despite his firm grasp on her wrist. They’d stopped walking just on the other side of the chain link fence only a few feet away from the old sycamore where Stephanie had been swinging. Mr. Sanders let go of Aunt Vera and they faced each other completely oblivious to Stephanie’s presence. There’d been tears in Aunt Vera’s eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Aunt Vera said. “I didn’t think—
“That’s right,” Mr. Sanders said, “you didn’t think at all.”
Even at 12 years old, Stephanie knew she should have left right then, but curiosity kept her butt firmly rooted on the wood swing. She blushed at the memory, thinking just how embarrassed she would be if there were a 12 year old kid sitting on the swing right then, watching her.
Aunt Vera had wiped at the tears in her eyes. “Nobody got hurt.”
The cool November air made it look like steam was pouring out of Mr. Sanders’ nostrils. “Nobody got hurt? You embarrassed the hell out of Lucy and what would have happened if she hadn’t brought a credit card with her?”
Aunt Vera had shrugged. “I don’t know.”
Mr. Sanders had shook his head at the sky. “Do you know what they call it when you go into a store to get things and don’t have any money to pay for them?”
She stood there just staring at him with big watery eyes.
“It’s called shoplifting,” Mr. Sanders said, “and at your age you damn well should know that young lady.”
Aunt Vera stomped her foot on the grass. “You’re not my father!”
Mr. Sanders clenched his hand into a fist and for a moment, Stephanie had thought he was going to hit Aunt Vera, really hit her. Then he took a deep breath and opened his hand. Stephanie had held her breath and kept watching.
He said, “Lucy and I are your guardians, but you’re right, I’m not our father. Dad would have taught you right from wrong. Obviously I failed in that.”
Aunt Vera looked away from Mr. Sanders. Her voice was muffled when she spoke. “I know right and wrong.”
Mr. Sanders reached out, grabbing Aunt Vera by the chin and turning her head back toward him. “If that’s true then you clearly have no respect for me or my family.”
“I do,” she said.
Mr. Sanders shook his head in disagreement. “It’s not respectful to steal money from Lucy’s purse. It’s not respectful to lie about it when Lucy confronted you. And it’s really not respectful to cast suspicion on your nephew for the things you’ve done.”
“It was only 40 bucks,” Aunt Vera said. “I didn’t think she’d even notice.”
Mr. Sanders shook his head. “Stealing isn’t ever right. It’s doesn’t matter whether some one notices you’ve done it or not.”
“I already said I’m sorry.” Aunt Vera looked up into Mr. Sanders’ eyes. “What more do you want me to say?”
Mr. Sanders met her gaze. “I want you to explain to me why you couldn’t just ask me for the money. I want you to explain to me why you tried to blame it on my son. I want you to explain to me what we’ve done to deserve you lying to us.”
Aunt Vera looked away. “Nothing.”
“Actions,” Mr. Sanders said, “have consequences.”
Her stance shifted and her eyes darted to Mr. Sanders’ face and then back to the blades of grass between them. The mixture of tension and apprehension charged the air between them like electricity. Aunt Vera’s lips moved, but the words were barely audible. “I know.”
Mr. Sanders shook his head. “I don’t think you do, but you will.”
She looked up into his eyes. Tears ran down her cheeks. “I’m sorry.”
His hands moved to his belt and his fingers slipped beneath the brown leather, unfastening it from the brass buckle. “Turn around and touch your toes.”
Aunt Vera’s hands went to the seat of her skirt as if she could somehow protect herself from his intentions. She shook her head from side to side, disheveling her hair in the process. “It won’t happen again.”
Mr. Sanders pulled the belt free of his pants and doubled it in his hands. “Don’t make me tell you again.”
She looked up into his eyes and took a step back. The silence between them belied the battle of wills taking place in their stare. Her gaze dropped to the grass. She nibbled on her lower lip. Her hands wiped the wetness from her cheeks. She turned her back to him, took a deep breath, and leaned forward until her fingertips brushed the points of her mocha colored pumps.
He walked to her and grabbed the hem of her knee length skirt, tossing it up onto her back. His hand brushed over the waistband of her black lace panties. He hesitated while staring at her jutting bottom. The black lace covered only the top crescents of her buttocks, leaving the white cheeks fully exposed. He stepped back from her and adjusted his grip on the belt, measuring the distance between him and his target.
The belt lashed across the center of her white buttocks leaving behind a stripe of soft red flesh. Aunt Vera blinked, but otherwise failed to react to the beginning of the spanking. The echo of the belt’s impact faded away and all that remained was the rustle of leaves in the breeze and the creak of swaying tree branches. She inhaled deeply, holding the breath in expectation of the next swing of the belt.
Mr. Sanders swung again, striking her buttocks in almost exactly the same place as the first. “These first ten are for stealing,” he said.
Her hair brushed atop the blades of grass while she blinked and breathed. Whatever thoughts swirled around in her head, she gave them no voice. Her face grew redder by the minute, but whether it was from embarrassment, shame or simply the rushing of blood into her low hanging head, was impossible to tell. She kept her fingertips on the tips of her shoes and watched the belt through her slightly parted legs, anticipating its next slice through the autumn air.
“If you had asked,” he said, striping the belt across her buttocks twice more, coloring the lower half of her globes, “I might well have given you the money.”
Aunt Vera’s breaths turned sharp. Her hair bounced up and down on the grass like a dry brush giving texture to a canvas. She bent and straightened her knees.
“But,” he said, bringing the belt crashing down on the tender flesh just above her thighs, “since you decided to just take it,” the belt struck the same spot a second time, “you’re going to learn to appreciate its worth in hard work and sweat.”
Her legs trembled while she blinked back the fresh tears stinging at her eyes. She maintained her shallow, sharp breaths. Her fingertips remained in place and she kept her gaze trained on the dangling belt behind her.
He raised the belt and laid it on four more times, covering her butt evenly from the center down to the top of her thighs. The skin shined red as proof of the heat applied. He rested the belt beside his leg and tilted his head, admiring the view of his handiwork.
Mr. Sanders said, “You’ll do every household chore Lucy asks of you at rate of 50 cents per hour until you’ve earned back every quarter of that forty dollars. Is that understood?”
Aunt Vera breathed through her open mouth, eyes fluttering open and closed. Her knees bent and straightened twice before she decided to answer. “Yes.”
“Good,” he said and raised the belt again. He sliced it across her buttocks three times in quick succession, deepening the red color of the stripes across the center. “These next ten are for attempting to lay the blame for your crime on the shoulders of your twelve year old nephew.”
“Oh,” she gasped. Her legs swayed from side to side waving her butt in the open air.
Mr. Sanders waited until her motion ceased and then swung the belt three times fast at the lower curves of her red butt cheeks. The snap of leather against tight skin rang out in the hollow spaces between the neighborhood homes like a police siren.
“I’m sorry,” Aunt Vera said. The strain of tears and shallow breath gave her apology a sincerity it had lacked in her previous offerings.
“You should be ashamed,” he said and brought the belt down on her proffered buttocks.
She yelped and bent her knees. Her fingertips left their place temporarily as she grappled with an almost overwhelming instinct to cradle her bottom. She forced herself back into position without touching her tender cheeks, but her movements were slow and deliberate.
“You are 19 years old,” he said, “and that’s more than old enough to take responsibility for your own actions. If you ever try to blame him for your behavior again I’ll blister your bare butt right in front of him.”
He lifted the belt high and used it to punctuate his next words. “IS— THAT— UNDERSTOOD?”
Aunt Vera sprang into the air. Her hands grabbed at her burning buttocks. She hopped around in a circle, skirt and hair bouncing while she rubbed furiously at her bottom. Tears ran from her eyes down her cheeks. She sniffled still trying to stem the flow despite the floodgates being wide open.
When her legs tired of jumping, she looked up into Mr. Sanders stoic face. “I’m really, really sorry,” she said.
“I don’t doubt it,” he said. “I just hope you’re also learning the lesson. At your age this sort of behavior could land you a lot worse than spanking. You could find yourself behind iron bars instead of touching your toes next to a chain link fence.”
She wiped her face with the sleeve of her blouse and nodded her head. “I know.”
He pointed at the spot of grass where she had previously been bent over, touching her toes. “Now get back over here and get back in position,” he said. “We’re not finished yet.”
Her hands cradled her butt and she took a single step backward. “But I’m really sorry.”
Mr. Sanders snapped his fingers and pointed at the spot on the grass. His stern eyes and firm stance said everything that needed to be said. She bit her lower lip, let go of her butt and hustled into position. He flipped her skirt up onto her back once more and raised the belt into the air.
“Now,” he said, “we’re going to talk about you lying to me.”
She said, “It won’t ever happen again.” Her eyes fixated on the raised belt and her legs quivered in reluctant expectation.
The belt cut through the air, snapping against the taut skin of her exposed buttocks. She cried out at the fresh sting and her fingertips lifted from the points of her shoes. He ripped the belt backward through the air and brought it down three times hard. Her hands wavered at her knees, uncertain whether to grab at her burning cheeks or to hold herself in position.
“If you told me the truth from the beginning,” he said, “I could have kept my belt on and you could have kept your skirt down.”
He lashed the belt across the center of her buttocks four more times. The skin glowed red. Aunt Vera whimpered and cried, but kept her fingertips on her shoes and her butt up in the air. Her breath turned ragged from gasping for breath in her efforts to manage the burn and suppress her tears.
“Instead,” Mr. Sanders said, “we’re out here warming up your butt when we should be inside warming ourselves by the fire and enjoying some hot cider.”
The belt cut through the air four times more, brightening the lower curves of her buttocks. She yelped after each strike and after the last, she straightened. Her hands rubbed at her bottom while she hopped around in a circle. Tears glistened in the sunlight on her face.
“Settle down,” Mr. Sanders said.
Aunt Vera continued to hop, though she stopped turning in a circle. Her hands massaged the red flesh behind her, keeping her skirt up and the cheeks exposed. She sniffled and blinked in a futile effort to clear away her tears. Her lips trembled with the words of another apology most likely upon them.
He snapped his fingers and pointed at the grass again. “Back over,” he said, “we’re not done.”
She stopped hopping and looked up into his eyes with her own, wide and tearful. He snapped his fingers again. She turned away from him and leaned back down, keeping her skirt raised as she went. He snapped the belt against the low edge of her buttocks as soon as her fingers brushed the tops of her shoes. She yelped, but stayed down.
“Lying is just a delaying tactic,” he said. “The truth always comes out in the end.”
“I know,” she said through tears.
He nodded. “When you got licks coming from something you’ve done, telling the truth is just like doing your chores; The sooner you start, the sooner you finish.”
Aunt Vera nodded her upside down head, raking her hair through the grass. “I understand and I’m really, really sorry.”
“Good,” Mr. Sanders said. He unfolded his belt and began threading it back through the belt loops. “Stand up, give yourself a good rub, fix your skirt and then we can go back in the house. You owe Mitch and Lucy each a sincere apology.”
She stood up straight and wiped her face with her sleeves. Her skirt fell back into place and she smoothed it down with her hands while glancing at Mr. Sanders every few seconds. She looked up into his eyes, ran the few steps between them and buried her face in his shirt. Her arms wrapped tightly around him. “I love you,” she said.
He smiled and held her to him. His lips pressed against the top of her head. “I love you too.”
The sound of the back door to the house opening startled Stephanie out of the memory. She hadn’t thought much about the incident in years. Of course, at twelve she hadn’t really understood everything either. Things were different in the present. Stephanie began to understand she shared more in common with Aunt Vera than she’d ever realized. It was getting to be time to get things done.